Wednesday 17 October 2012

Early Ideas

Over summer I began to get some idea's down, trying to get ahead I mocked up some idea's and sent them off too for feedback and as always, the first idea's are always the worst, to some extent!

After spending a couple weeks writing the next big Hollywood movie a couple days after sending the ideas off for approval, I was struck in the fact with what felt like a brick. which was in fact the harsh reality of a lecturer putting into perspective what I was proposing suggesting

 "These story ideas fall into that dangerous film category of the "long film squashed into a short"".

Which was sadly the way things were going. A couple weeks on and a few more story idea's killed since the first idea's I proposed I wrote up a couple new ideas that we're more promising. 

The premise and synopsis of the chosen idea..


Time is running out for conductor John Bairstowe as his half mile long oil freight train accelerates out of control
descending into a densely populated city.
Unable to interfere Bairstowe is torn between saving the lives of thousands and that of his kidnapped daughter whilst his oil cargo advances
towards the city like a rolling explosive Bairstowe becomes overwhelmed with indecision.


- The story of a rugged freight train driver manipulated to play a key role in a extortionists act of terror 
- Transporting 47 tank cars of oil and instructed to divert from his original course the man heads towards a densely populated area
   unknowingly risking the life's of thousands to ensure the safety of his kidnapped daughter
- The driver becoming lulled into a false sense of security the locomotives speed increases on the run into the city, reaching for the breaks
  unaware they we're disengaged he spirals into a state of confusion and panic
- Despite being torn between the safety of those in the city and that of his daughter his efforts
  to prevent disaster are futile, with the train barreling down the line into the heart of the city crossing an explosive on the track
  sparking a fatal blaze.

...Still needs work but will keep revising, full script to come shortly.

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